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The affiliate program you don't want to miss out on!

Because of you, we have been fortunate to engineer world firsts, push boundaries and enhance your photography and videography. To say thank you we aim to support you the best way we can. Become part of our affiliate program and network to benefit from the help, support, expertise and passive income STC has created.


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Affiliate Program Overview

The STC Affiliate Program offers its partners the ability to generate revenue from marketing the STC brand and ecosystem of market-leading products. Designed primarily for press, retail and media partners, the STC Affiliate Program also welcomes enthusiast and semi-pro photographers and videographers, along with YouTubers and social media influencers. See below for more information.


Unique Affiliate Links are distributed to all STC Official Affiliate Partners, providing the opportunity to generate revenue from every sale generated. Revenue can be redeemed against STC products or claimed as cash transfers at any time. All Affiliate Partners have access to the STC Hub, where they can simply reference the status of their Affiliate account, along with exclusive STC content, branding and up to the minute company news. The Hub also provides a direct line to the central team.

Exclusive Access

All STC Affiliate Partners are kept up to date with product developments and have access to products ahead of any official
launch dates. This is to allow them to be the first to make announcements through their networks and to produce any promotional content required to ensure the maximum effectiveness of Affiliate Links.

Drop your details into our contact form to learn more about the STC Affiliate Program.

Are you ready?

let's do this!

Register Now

Fill in our form to learn more about the Official STC Affiliate Program. Join the growing legion of STC Affiliates and take advantage of the benefits and earning potential within.

Feel free to contact the team at STC with any questions you may have. We are very happy to help in any way we can.

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